The Art of Living Alone: How to Find Happiness and Contentment in Your Own Company - A Practical 10-Step Guide.
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The term Youniqorn is an infusion of the words You, Unique and, well, Unicorn 😎 .
This is a term to describe you. More specifically, the person of your dreams. The person you want to become. That unique individual. That identity. That culmination of identities. This blog is a powerful resource to allow you to do just that. Basically, “Self-Improvement To Become Who Your Dreams Are Made Of.”
You are a Youniqorn in the making, and studying each of the following 53 posts (plus a bonus 6), structured to be read one per week over the course of a year, will all but guarantee you improve mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, sensually, sexually, and romantically. This is a safe space for self-improvement, positive habits, and happiness. I hope you choose all three for yourself.